
Published on:

16th Mar 2020

195: Heidi Hanna — Taking Care of Your Mental Health During a Crisis

We’ve all heard of the advice that you must put on your own oxygen mask first before helping others. But how can you do that if you’re losing it yourself? We have a mental health expert to help calm your nerves. This episode is two of a series of five episodes on the five big moves leaders need to make right now during a crisis.


Dr. Heidi Hanna is the Chief Energy Officer of Synergy Brain Fitness, a company providing brain-based health and performance programs to individuals and organizations. She is also a Founding Partner of the Academy for Brain Health and Performance and a Fellow and Advisory Board Member for the American Institution of Stress.


Emotions are running very high and there has been a range of reactions to the latest pandemic news. When faced with challenges like these, ask yourself how you can become resilient through what you’re facing currently. What are the little things you can do today to take better care of yourself physically and emotionally?


Heidi has a few different ways on how to better manage your emotional well being in times of uncertainty and a crisis. The first one is to have a bit of awareness of what’s actually happening, away from the fear and the hype the media might portray. It’s okay to validate your experiences and admit to yourself that we are in a difficult time and that you might be feeling overwhelmed, or fearful of what’s to come.


Take some time to look for ways we can adapt more effectively to our new set of circumstances. Pay attention to what you can control to the best of your ability. Also, it’s okay to focus on the positives of life while still taking precautions. You can always take time to laugh, love, and enjoy your life despite the challenges around you.


Interview Links:





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Scaling Up Business Podcast
Scaling Up Business is all about how a few companies make it...and why the rest don’t. Our podcast shows are drawn from the lessons of our coaching clients, coaching partners, and the leading authors that contribute to our Conferences and the Scaling Up best selling book by Verne Harnish, and the Team at Gazelles.

We’ll share practical tools and techniques for building an industry-dominating business. These approaches have been honed over three decades of advising tens of thousands of CEOs and executives and helping them navigate the increasing complexities that come with scaling up a venture.

We want to turn what can feel like an anchor, into the wind at your back — helping you create a business where the team is engaged; the customers are doing your marketing; and everyone is making money.

Each episode of the Scaling Up Business show focuses on one of the four major decision areas every company must get right: People, Strategy, Execution, and Cash. We'll share the tools and methods that have been used by more than 40,000 firms around the globe to scale their companies successfully -- many to $1 billion and beyond.

Running a business is ultimately about freedom. The Scaling Up Business show tells leaders how to get their organizations moving in sync, to create something significant, and still enjoy the ride.

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William Gallagher